In addition to being a place for education and research, TU Delft’s terrain is increasingly becoming a platform for public-private partnerships and open innovation. To highlight this, the entire TU Delft area, including the former Technopolis site, will continue under a single name: TU Delft Campus. Its launch will take place during a Campus Kick-Off event, organised on Friday 20 September (we hereby invite you to celebrate with us!).
TU Delft has a long tradition of collaboration with companies, but the way we do this is changing. We are increasingly becoming a university 4.0, an innovation ecosystem in which we work together with knowledge institutions, industry and authorities to get the results of research more quickly to market and society. That way, we can create ‘impact for a better society’, as our mission in the Strategic Framework states. An example of how we do this is with X!Delft, the collaboration programme between TU Delft and large companies that started earlier this year. Another initiative is to set up field labs for innovation and cooperation, such as RoboHouse or the Researchlab Autonomous Shipping.
In order to further reinforce this development, it has been decided that the entire TU Delft area, including the former Technopolis site, will continue under one name: TU Delft Campus. “As TU Delft, we want to play a pioneering role in the field of innovation and be an attractive location for companies and other parties to join us in this. This new name makes it clear that we no longer work on innovation separately or one after the other, but together and at the same time,” said Tim van der Hagen, President of the Executive Board. The launch of this initiative will take place on 20 September under the motto ‘Sparking the next level of cooperation’.