
Increasing student numbers combined with the need for more education space which is also more flexible have resulted in the development of a second additional building for teaching: Echo. It is a cross-faculty building offering a wide variety of teaching rooms to reflect the innovation and diversity of teaching methods and study styles. In this vibrant environment, students can develop into creative, critical and social engineers. Echo includes a total of seven teaching rooms, most with a flexible layout. For example, the largest lecture room, which can accommodate 700 people, can be divided into three separate rooms. The more than 300 study spaces can be used for group work and self-study. Of course, there is also a food & beverage facility with a wide range of options for users in the area.

Solid and sustainable

With Echo, we provide a challenging, healthy and inspiring environment where students and staff can excel and contribute maximally to the impact for a better society. Echo also contributes to TU Delft’s sustainability ambitions: a CO2-neutral, circular and climat-adaptive campus in 2030. The building is energy-providing, and this includes user-related energy such as electricity consumption for laptops, lighting and food & beverage facilities during the extended opening hours. The building is equipped with solar panels, effective insulation and thermal storage, for instance. It is a building with a solid and open appearance and an open design, enabling the teaching and learning taking place inside to be visible from outside. Read more about Echo in this (Dutch) article from Stedenbouw (PDF).

Teaching rooms

The teaching rooms have been designed based on the current and future needs of our lecturers and students. In Echo, the focus is on medium-sized and large teaching rooms, accommodating between 150 and 700 people. In addition to these larger rooms, there is a so-called case-study room that will be particularly suitable for motivational teaching/interaction between lecturers and students, as well as four level rooms for project-based teaching, each accommodating almost 70 people. Echo provide space for lectures and tutorials, group work, project-based teaching, debates and self-study. In total, Echo offers around 1,700 teaching spaces, including study spaces.

Additional facilities

As well as offering additional facilities for teaching, it is important that the building is an attractive place for people to meet. Extended opening hours and high-quality food & beverage facilities offering a variety of seating will help facilitate this. There is an underground cycle park in the basement of Echo.

The location

The teaching building is built in a central location on campus between Schoemakerstraat and the CEG faculty. Echo is adjacent to the renovated building used by the Mathematics and Computer Science departments of the EEMCS faculty (office building Van Mourik Broekmanweg 6). To the north, the area is next to the Stieltjesweg student accommodation, with food & beverage and other facilities, including a SPAR University mini-supermarket. The many existing buildings and all the developments and projects in this area necessitated a new site design for Stevin area. The parking spaces in this area are relocated to a multi-layer parking building on the location of P2.

The development of the Stevin area and the construction of Echo are in line with the campus strategy: realising a campus in which the buildings, facilities and layout of public areas help ensure that TU Delft maintains and expands its leading position in the world rankings.

Facts and figures

  • 8.300 m2 GFA
  • 1.700 teaching spaces
  • Energy-providing
  • 7 teaching rooms
  • 360 study workspaces
  • Food & beverage facilities
  • Extended opening hours
  • Close to Van Mourik Broekmanweg (M&CS)


  • Design:             Q1 2018
  • Start building: Q4 2019
  • Realisation:      Q1 2022
  • In use:               Q3 2022

More information

If you have any questions about this project or other work being carried out on the campus, please contact the Park Management team at the Campus Real Estate & Facility Management department.

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