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DSN 5TH Edition Theme: how to feed the world without destroying the planet?!
The transition from animal to plant-based protein is well known in the Netherlands and picking up speed. However, we also see high levels of civic resistance to changing diets, which leaves us to wonder: is it enough? A new
Villari krijgt €350.000 toegekend van het proof-of-conceptfonds UNIIQ
TU Delft spin-off Villari ontvangt €350.000 vanuit proof-of-conceptfonds UNIIQ voor verdere ontwikkeling, onderzoek en uitbreiding van het team. De startup ontwikkelt een technologische sensoroplossing voor het detecteren van scheuren in stalen structuren. Staalconstructies, zoals bruggen en hefwerktuigen, vergen
Demo day of MKBdoet: applied innovation at maintenance companies
Your maintenance workers perform physically demanding work. Or you do your own maintenance on objects in hard-to-reach places. Technology can help with that, perhaps even bonding skilled workers. But then it has to work. Do you recognize these challenges?
Sport class: Spartan Workout
Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on
Sport class: Pilates
Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last
Feestelijke opening NEXT Delft op TU Delft Campus
Gisteren werd acceleratorgebouw NEXT Delft op TU Delft Campus officieel geopend. In aanwezigheid van Maaike Zwart, wethouder Duurzaamheid, Werk en inkomen en Economie gemeente Delft, Meindert Stolk, lid college van Gedeputeerde Staten provincie Zuid Holland, Rob Mudde, Vice-Rector Magnificus
Weersvoorspellingen van Whiffle versterken positie hernieuwbare energie
Je hebt een revolutionair idee in handen. Maar vakgenoten zijn allesbehalve enthousiast. Wat doe je? Het overkwam Harmen Jonker en Remco Verzijlbergh van Whiffle. Hun rotsvaste vertrouwen in hypergedetailleerde weersvoorspellingen voor hernieuwbare energie bleek terecht. Het bedrijf
TU Delft Campus Community Drinks
Come and toast with all your colleagues at TU Delft Campus’ afternoon drinks at the Firma van Buiten and mingle with your neighbours and fellow tech enthusiasts. Enjoy special beers, fruity wines, fresh sodas and great music. Reservations are
Social Tech Launchpad
Join the SocialTech Launchpad! Meet successful entrepreneurs and changemakers who venture for human health. Besides hearing their stories and connecting to these inspiring individuals it is an opportunity to learn more about SocialTech. SocialTech is the strategic vertical of
Launch #23
It's time again for the launch of the latest magazine, which will be held at Firma van Buiten. Programme 17:00 Welcome 17:30 Start plenary program with speakers Femke Kleijweg, Jos de Mooijs and Pierre Karsten 18:15 networking drinks and