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Sport class: Spartan Workout

27 Maart 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on

Sport class: Spartan Workout

27 Maart 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on

Sport class: Pilates

27 Maart 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Sport class: Pilates

27 Maart 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Sport class: Pilates

27 Maart 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

TU Delft Campus Community Drinks

2 Maart 2023|

  We are here to help you finish your workday with a bang! Come and toast with your colleagues and friends at TU Delft Campus' monthly community drinks, which we organize at and together with Firma van Buiten! Mingle with you

AI Meet Up: AI for Healthcare

23 Februari 2023|

  “AI is expected to play a role in addressing urgent healthcare challenges the world is facing, such as shortage of healthcare workers, increasing health disparities, emerging threats from global pandemics, the management of non-communicable diseases (e.g. cancer) and age-related

ZIE 2023: de technologische industrie [Dutch event]

22 Februari 2023|

  Zuid-Holland heeft alle ingrediënten in huis om sterke economische groei te realiseren. Dit biedt de kans om een sleutelrol te spelen op het gebied van grote maatschappelijke thema’s. Deze thema’s vragen om technologische innovaties, maar daarvoor is cross-sectorale samenwerking en