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Accelerating FinTech Adoption: The Delft FinTech Lab

20 april 2023|

  Technology adoption is accelerating the financial industry at an unprecedented rate, not only among FinTech companies but also among conventional financial institutions. Mondai | House of AI invites you at Delft University of Technology to take a front-seat in

Eten en drinken op de campus

18 april 2023|

Eten en drinken op de campus Op de TU Delft campus vind je op allerlei locaties eten en drinken voor ieders budget. Een espresso met een lekkere muffin, een verse warme (internationale) maaltijd, een salade

The Dutch UNconference AI

17 april 2023|

  The first Dutch UNconference on AI, a collaboration between Mondai | House of AI, InnovationQuarter, NL AIC and YES!Delft, is a valuable event where startup founders and CTOs in the AI space can build new connections with their peers,

Check out the start- and scale-up scene

14 april 2023|

  Have you always wanted to know what it is like to work at a start- or scale-up? Then this is your chance. Together with almost all the start- and scale-up hubs in Delft, we are organizing an event during

Sport class: Spartan Workout

14 april 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on

Sport class: Pilates

14 april 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Planet versterkt met nieuwe partner a.s.r.

12 april 2023|

Planet heeft een zesde partner in haar Raad van Toezicht verwelkomd: ASR Dutch Science Park Fund. Samen met de andere vijf partners DSM, de TU Delft, de gemeente Delft, de provincie Zuid-Holland en InnovationQuarter gaan zij

TU Delft Campus Community Drinks

11 april 2023|

  We are here to help you finish your workday with a bang! Come and toast with your colleagues and friends at TU Delft Campus' monthly community drinks, which we organize at and together with Firma van Buiten! Mingle with your