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14 Juni 2023|

Foodtrucks Bij de TU Delft zijn er elke doordeweekse dag van maandag tot en met vrijdag foodtrucks. De foodtrucks bieden een heerlijk en vers assortiment. Je kunt ze vinden op Freezone C van

Quantum Meets ’23

6 Juni 2023|

Vijf dagen wereldwijde quantum community meet-ups in Nederland Quantum Delta NL heeft onlangs de inaugurele editie aangekondigd van Quantum Meets, een vijfdaagse reeks quantum-evenementen die van 12 tot 16 juni door heel Nederland plaatsvinden. Dit initiatief heeft tot doel de

Tijd om de heisector op te schudden

6 Juni 2023|

Vraag een willekeurig iemand naar het heien van palen en de meesten zullen zeggen: het is een weinig subtiel proces. Zwaar, ritmisch lawaai, bevende grond en zware trillingen. Het veroorzaakt niet alleen druk op de samenleving, maar

1-2 Startup Weekend

31 mei 2023|

  Are you serious about starting your own business? Then come to the 1-2 Startup Weekend at June 9 and 10 and develop all the skills needed to create a successful business with the help of professional guidance. Also, you

Sport class: Pilates

26 mei 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Sport class: Pilates

26 mei 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Sport class: Spartan Workout

26 mei 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on

Sport class: Spartan Workout

26 mei 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on

TU Delft Campus Community Drinks

17 mei 2023|

  We are here to help you finish your workday with a bang! Come and toast with your colleagues and friends at TU Delft Campus' monthly community drinks, which we organize at and together with Firma van Buiten! Mingle with your

Sport class: Spartan Workout

17 mei 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. The Spartan Workout is a form of boot camp focused on