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Sport class: Pilates

4 september 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. Pilates is a method for training the entire body, developed last

Sport class: HIIT Workout

1 september 2023|

  Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. We've switched from the Spartan Workout to HIIT, which is even

Sport class: Pilates

1 september 2023|

  From mid september on Sport activities are back at TU Delft Campus! Join the TU Delft Campus sports classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues' health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive

Sport activities Pilates register page

31 augustus 2023|

Pilates Workout  - Register here! Join the TU Delft Campus Pilates classes for free, and encourage your and your colleagues’ health. Mingle with new people and end your workday with a positive mindset. To enter

TU Delft Campus Community Drinks

29 augustus 2023|

  From September on, we're back with community drinks and here to help you finish your workday with a bang! Come and toast with your colleagues and friends at TU Delft Campus' monthly community drinks, which we organize at and

Networking event ‘5G works’

22 augustus 2023|

  As you probably know, we have installed our own, private 5G facilities in the past years; offering scientists, entrepreneurs, and government organisations the opportunity to experiment together. This latest generation of communication technology is so new and unfamiliar, that

Meet the Startups

22 augustus 2023|

  The 7th edition of the Meet the Startups event is here! The new YES!Delft startups will unveil the newest and most revolutionary technological innovations from our ecosystem. Find more info and register here to join us in the afternoon

Delft MAAKT Ruimte

16 augustus 2023|

  On the 26th of October the third edition of ‘Delft MAAKT Ruimte’ will take place. During this event, we will connect real estate owners and developers to innovative businesses looking for manufacturing space in Delft. Is your company growing


8 augustus 2023|

Als onderdeel van een bredere visie op mobiliteit en de bereikbaarheid van de campus, reguleert de TU Delft  haar parkeerlocaties. Parkeren op de campus doe je eenvoudig in drie stappen: Good start Park smart!