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Aramco Tech Quest

september 29, 2022 - 8:30 am - 8:00 pm


What is the Aramco Tech Quest about?

Aramco, a world leader in integrated energy and chemicals, and YES!Delft are partnering up to discover new innovative and sustainable technologies to challenge the creativity and innovative thinking of students. This time around, the focus is on taking quality control to the next level.

From artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to blockchain technology, there are plenty of opportunities to make quality control a more automated, predictive and sustainable process.

Quality control is key to ensuring that products make it on the market in the highest quality possible. It is there to make sure that in every stage of its supply chain, a company is using the best materials, from the best suppliers, with the best manufacturing practices. And while strict quality control is the standard in many industries, it is still largely a manual process – and that poses certain challenges.

For this Tech Quest Aramco and YES!Delft are looking for solutions in four different categories:

  • Automated Document Review using AI
  • Fight against Counterfeit
  • Real-time Quality Control
  • Automated Solution for Cleaning Solar Panels

Who is this challenge for?

This Tech Quest is open to Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. students from TU Delft and Erasmus University who are eager to demonstrate their ideas in the field of innovation. A maximum of 30 participants will be selected and placed in small teams to work on one of the categories. The winning team gets €2.000,-, followed by €1.500,- and €1.000 for the second and third place. There will be two encouragement prices of €750. The call for applications is now open and you have a chance to submit yours by September 10th, via the YES!Delft website. You can register as an individual or as a team.


Molengraaffsingel 12, 2629 JD Delft

Visit the YES!Delft website to find out more and register for this challenge.

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