The NL Startup Competition
May 29, 2024
Erasmus University Rotterdam proudly announces the launch of the first NL Startup Competition, a collaboration of Erasmus Enterprise with UPSTREAM and MT/Sprout!
Do you have a startup focused on the following categories: Digital, societal, energy transition, or circular solutions? Then this is your chance to participate in the first NL StartupCompetition – entrepreneurial fun guaranteed!
The NL Startup Competition is not just about recognition; it’s about rewarding innovative solutions. Pitch your startup and win €10,000, access to exclusive mentorship opportunities, a network of experts and potential investors!
💡 Ready to turn your ideas into impact? Register for the NL Startup Competition today https://mtsprout.nl/groei/nl-startup-competition-prijzengeld
Agenda NL Startup Competition
15 april 2024: Deadline preregistration
07 may 2024: NL Startup Competition Pre-event – Workshop ‘How to Pitch’
28 may 2024: NL Startup Competition Pre-event – Speeddate & Get to know the teams
29 may 2024: NL Startup Competition – Final
About: The first NL Startup Competition is a collaborationMT/Sprout, Upstream and Erasmus Enterprise, in partnership with the Port of Rotterdam, the Municipality of Rotterdam and Erasmus University Rotterdam. Follow the first NL Startup Competition on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay up to date.