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RoboCafé: Visibility by Radar [postponed to 2024]

November 14, 2023 - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm


The future of Road Safety is Affordable and Robust – with AI for Radars

This edition of RoboCafé features Srimannarayana Baratam, co-founder at Perciv.ai, a firm/start-up that develops AI-based perception solutions for multiple fields, often with the help of next-generation radars.


17:00 Welcome! Have a drink and a snack
17:20 Presentation, demos + Q&A by Srimannarayana Baratam
17:50 Discussions, networking & drinks
19:00 End of RoboCafé


EXPO of RoboHouse

Julianalaan 67, Delft

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