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Networking event ‘5G works’

September 27, 2023 - 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


As you probably know, we have installed our own, private 5G facilities in the past years; offering scientists, entrepreneurs, and government organisations the opportunity to experiment together.

This latest generation of communication technology is so new and unfamiliar, that exploration in our real-life fieldlab setting has proved to be valuable to prepare future applications.

During this event, we will focus on our tangible results with 5G experiments. You will witness the latest developments during live demos. You will get an insight on the challenges that dedicated entrepreneurs encounter and overcome. You will meet students and scientists, who will share with you their ideas for addressing society’s challenges with future network technologies. And you will have plenty of opportunity to expand your personal network.

Find the full programme here!



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Jenny Konings

+31 643 28 77 87

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