Research self-driving car experience

How does a ride in a self-driving car feel? Please help us to research this!

From 14 November 2022, TU Delft will spend five weeks investigating how passengers experience driving a self-driving car. What do they enjoy and what don’t they find pleasant?

Research approach

We are looking for at least 100 Delft residents to participate in this research. Anyone aged 18 or older can participate. It does not matter whether you have driving experience or not. The survey takes about 1.5 hours. This is the setup:

  • you select your time slot for the test at TU Delft Campus
  • you complete a digital questionnaire at home in advance
  • you come to the campus at the agreed time. You will take two rides in a self-driving car. This is completely safe. You do not need to have a driving licence. Naturally, you will receive a detailed explanation and you can end the ride at any time. You will be asked to perform small tasks during the rides, such as reading or doing something else. We will make video recordings and measure your heart rate to register when you are relaxed and which moments you find suspensful.
  • After each ride, we will ask you to answer a few questions about your experience.

To minimise influencing participants beforehand, you will be given more information about what to expect shortly before the ride. Ten 50-euro vouchers will be raffled off among participants.

Why this research?

Technological progress evolves fast: cars are already able to perform a number of functions independently. Think of cruise control (maintaining a constant speed) and staying within a lane. Much research focuses on technical safety: how does a car react to its surroundings and can the car intervene in the right way to prevent an accident? TU Delft currently wants to investigate how you experience it as a passenger, when the car is driving itself. What should potentially be adapted to ensure that people accept and trust this technology in the future? And what activities do passengers perform during the ride? Can we process our mail or read a book in the future, just like when riding in public transport? Is there a difference in perception between young and older passengers and people with much or little driving experience? And is there a difference between someone’s perception about a ride in a self-driving car beforehand and after the actual experience? These are some examples of matters we want to get more insight into.

Privacy and safety

The data of the study participants will be stored securely and processed anonymously. Naturally, the safety of the passenger during the study is also ensured.

Publication and follow-up

The results of the study will be published in the first quarter of 2023. Participants will be informed personally, if they wish.

There are currently sufficient participants to this research.