Campus development

TU Delft is a world-class university renowned for its pioneering research, excellent teaching and innovative cooperation with external partners. This requires facilities and buildings that provide the proper support. At over 160 hectares, the campus is one of the largest university campuses in the world and is continuously developing. We create an environment that befits a top university, where everyone gets the most out of themselves and each other. A place where innovation and environmental awareness go hand in hand. TU Delft aims high when it comes to sustainability, with an ambition for a CO2-neutral, climate-adaptive and circular campus by 2030.

The strategic compass for the campus’s (re)development over the long term (2040).

Developing the Campus Vision 2040, a guide for the short term (5 to 10 years).

An overview of the largest ongoing and completed projects.

Prepared for the future

The Campus Real Estate & Facility Management (CREFM) service manages and renews the campus with a focus on sustainability, flexibility and affordability. Attention is also paid to accessibility and liveability. Smart and efficient use is made of every square metre and all projects flow from TU Delft’s campus vision. As a continuation of this campus vision, area visions are created with concrete spatial elaboration. These area visions show what CREFM will focus on over the coming years. Major focus points include compressing the campus and adding housing and facilities to promote a vibrant, lively campus.

TU Delft Campus in numbers

Companies on campus
Start-ups on campus
Jobs on campus
Students on campus